
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Institution registration form

Public and private institutions that provide services to entrepreneurs in Catalonia can be included on this digital map. Entrepreneurs are defined as people who start a new business activity and whose activity has been operating for less than 5 years.

The following form must be completed with the basic details of the institution. If you have any queries, contact 93 567 69 44 or write to the email  mapa.catalunyaempren@gencat.cat

Details of the person registering the institution
Details of the institution
(Write the complete name of the institution, joint stock company –SA-, limited company –SL-, general partnership –SCP-, etc. in a maximum of 75 characters).
(Enter the Tax Identity Certificate No. without hyphens and in capital letters)
You may select more than one if the institution belongs to more than one network.
Sub-institution that provides the entrepreneurship services
Use it only in the event there is a specific section in your institution that deals with entrepreneurs (e.g. a Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Growth, Department of Economic Development, etc.)

Territorial area of action: *
Select the geographical area where the services provided by your institution are available. Your institution offers services to all entrepreneurs…

Contact details
Do not enter the staircase, floor, flat or door No.
You can enter the staircase, the floor, the door, the building...
Generate GPS coordinates
To change the coordinates generated, alter the street, the number and the town on the map.
The details will be updated automatically in the georeferencing box.

Other offices of the institution
If there are other offices apart from the head office, enter their different addresses here.

You may add images associated with this service. These will help you to market it:
  I have read and accept the legal conditions