Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Second chances
Ajuntament del VendrellBusiness and services market | Second chance services
Specific advice for entrepreneurs who wish to take over the management of an existing company (re-enterprise). Lecture on second chances in business and how to learn from failure, at which an expert helps entrepreneurs in this situation to overcome the fear of failure and encourages them to try again while providing some tools for success the second time round. Best practices in this field are also analysed.
Addressed to: Personas empresarias que han vivido una experiencia empresarial fallida o que estén en proceso de cierre.
43700 El Vendrell
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Events and work sessions
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Financial advice
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Training in business management
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Customized consulting
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Information and basic orientation
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Entrepreneurial awareness
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Training and digital strategy
El Vendrell
County service
Ajuntament del Vendrell
Exchange network and networking
El Vendrell
County service