Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Reempresa business handover point
Ajuntament de ManlleuBusiness and services market | Transfer of business
The OPE offers information, guidance and advice to entrepreneurs interested in acquiring businesses being transferred, and to companies that want to sell. The Council of Manlleu is involved in Reempresa, an initiative that helps hand over business success from one set of hands to another. Reempresa allows the owner of an operating company who can no longer run it, to transfer it to someone else who wishes to keep the company working. Reempresa de Catalunya is an initiative promoted by the CECOT employers’ association and the CP'AC Private Foundation.
Addressed to: Cedents i persones emprenedores
08560 Manlleu
Ajuntament de Manlleu
Collaborator institutions
Generalitat de Catalunya
Ajuntament de Manlleu
Customized consulting
Municipal service
Ajuntament de Manlleu
Training in business management
Municipal service
Ajuntament de Manlleu
Information and basic orientation
Municipal service
Ajuntament de Manlleu
Entrepreneurial awareness
Municipal service