Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Assistance in the handover of businesses
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - VallsgeneraBusiness and services market | Transfer of business
We have a section on businesses available for handover and establish contact between the transferor and the entrepreneur interested in such a business. Our institution informs and advises them so they may determine whether the business is viable and ensure a successful handover. We also have a list of available empty premises to make it easier for entrepreneurs to find a site from which to operate.
We are part of Reempresa.
43800 Valls
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Collaborator institutions
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Grants and subsidies
Regional service
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Customized consulting
Regional service
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Training in business management
Regional service
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Financial advice
Regional service
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Information and basic orientation
Regional service
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Training and digital strategy
Regional service
Institut Municipal de Desenvolupament Local - Vallsgenera
Business nursery
Regional service