
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Business advice - PimecSocial

Fundació PIMEC Acció Social
Professionals who respond | Customized consulting

The objectives of this programme are: To help Catalan social institutions become companies; to offer companies the technical support and assistance necessary for them to benefit, as full members, from the different areas of work and advice provided by PIMEC to all its members; to address the specific needs of these SMEs, both individually and collectively, and to represent and to defend their interests before authorities and other social agents.

Addressed to: Empresas y emprendedores sociales.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Your business is:
Social enterprises and cooperatives
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Regional service, access
Carrer Viladomat, 174
08015 Barcelona
Carrer Manel Bonmatí i Romaguera, 2
17003 Girona

Avinguda del Segre, 7
25007 Lleida

Avinguda Marquès de Montoliu, 3
43002 Tarragona

Carrer Castelladral, 5-7 Pol. Ind.Els Dolors (Palau Firal)
08243 Manresa

Carrer Vilarrubias, 50 baixos
08202 Sabadell

Avinguda Sant Julià, 1 Ed. Tilma, despatx 18
08400 Granollers

Carrer Hospitalet, 25 Masia Can Maginàs
08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat

Other services of the institution
Business advice – Emppersona Programme
Fundació PIMEC Acció Social

Customized consulting


Regional service

Customized consulting


Regional service

Training in business management


Regional service

Information service
Fundació PIMEC Acció Social

Information and basic orientation


Regional service