Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Service of advice for disabled entrepreneurs
Asociación para el Empleo y la Formación de Personas con DiscapacidadProfessionals who respond | Customized consulting
FSC Inserta provides disabled entrepreneurs with a team of advisors specialised in the creation of new businesses that assists them in drawing up a business plan and helps them to evaluate the feasibility of the project they wish to undertake. It is a face-to-face service in which the entrepreneur and consultant work as a team on designing the best possible strategy for the business and in which entrepreneurs always retain control and leadership over their project. Inserta also offers a consultancy service for existing businesses that require advice on follow-up and consolidation with a view to generating and/or maintaining jobs. Essential requisites for taking part: possession of a Certificate of Disability equal to or in excess of 33% or a Certificate of Invalidity for Work from the Social Security and with incentive for enterprise. These services are co-financed by the ONCE Foundation and the European Social Fund as part of the 2007-2013 Operational Programme Fighting Discrimination – with talent. As a complement to this service, the entrepreneur may subsequently submit an application for funding to the ONCE Foundation in order to set his or her business initiative in operation. These are non-recoverable funds for a maximum amount of 18,000 euros or 50% of the cost of start-up of the activity. The requirements for and characteristics of these grants may be consulted at:
Addressed to: Personas emprendedoras con discapacidad que quieran convertir su idea de negocio en un proyecto empresarial o que tengan un negocio y quieran recibir asesoramiento con el objetivo de generar y/o mantener puestos de trabajo para personas con discapacidad.
08015 Barcelona
Asociación para el Empleo y la Formación de Personas con Discapacidad
Collaborator institutions
Fundació ONCE
Fons Social Europeu
Asociación para el Empleo y la Formación de Personas con Discapacidad
Training in business management
Regional service