
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

La Grimpada

Resilience Earth SCCL
Professionals who respond | Acceleration and incubation

Incubadora formativa i d’acompanyament personalitzat a projectes, iniciatives, cooperatives, empreses i entitats.
L’objectiu principal és el foment del desenvolupament local i l’arrelament territorial d’aquestes organitzacions,
oferint eines i metodologies per la governança descentralitzada per augmentar-ne l’impacte social, ecològic i econòmic. Responent als reptes emergents de les nostres comarques a través de la intercooperació.

Addressed to: Projectes, iniciatives, cooperatives, empreses, entitats i persones emprenedores.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Shop or store
Professional services
Technology-based companies
Social enterprises and cooperatives
Transfer of businesses
Ancillary industry and logistics
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Regional service, access
Carrer del Carme 8 1er. pis
17800 Olot

Collaborator institutions

  • Ateneu Cooperatiu Terres Gironines

Network Member

Other services of the institution
Resilience Earth SCCL

Acceleration and incubation


Regional service