Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Service for the consolidation of cooperatives and newly-established companies
Ajuntament de ValliranaProfessionals who respond | Customized consulting
Service of support for the consolidation of cooperatives and new companies (financial management, sales management, increasing customers).
Addressed to: Cooperativas y empresas de nueva creación.
This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Shop or store
Professional services
Ancillary industry and logistics
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Municipal service, access
Passatge dels Horts, s/n
08759 Vallirana
08759 Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Municipalities and municipal corporations
Go to file Collaborator institutions
Gestió Integral SCCL
Other services of the institution
Course for Cooperatives in Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Training in business management
Municipal service
Information and advice on entrepreneurship in Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Information and basic orientation
Municipal service
Awards for entrepreneurial projects
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Prizes and awards
Municipal service
Service of advice on the Business Plan in the creation of cooperatives
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Customized consulting
Municipal service
Sessions for raising business and entrepreneurial awareness
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Entrepreneurial awareness
Municipal service
Support in sales for existing cooperatives
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Ajuntament de Vallirana
Loans and guarantees
Municipal service