
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Crowdfunding platform

Crowdcube Spain
Funding | Business angels & venture capital

Crowdcube offers entrepreneurs and businesspeople a platform for finding different types of investors to accompany, promote and contribute to the success of their company. The entrepreneurs or businessperson should first send the platform the basic information about their project. If the application is accepted, having passed a process of filtering, study and review, Crowdcube prepares the round of financing while it publishes and disseminates the project. Once the project has been awarded the funds necessary through the contributions of investors, the platform formalises the capital increase and sends the documentation to the new partners, who now have stakes or shares in the company. - Average investment size: €2,000 to €4,000 - Phase: seed, start-up and expansion - Sector: sustainable mobility industries - Geographical area: Spain and United Kingdom - Instrument: capital - Companies financed: HEMAV, ZANK, IBERIC BOX, SEEDBOX, EUREKA STARTUPS

Addressed to: Entrepreneurs and businesspeople with an incorporated joint stock or limited company based in Spain.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Technology-based companies
Social enterprises and cooperatives
You are in the sector:
Food and beverages , Audio-visual , Automotive, aircraft and railway , Distribution and trade , Education and training , Electrical and electronic equipment , Pharmaceutical and biotechnology , Wood and furniture , Mining and quarrying , Logistics , Machinery and metalworking , Environment and energy , Paper, publishing and printing , Chemical , R&D , Food and restaurants, tourism and leisure , Health , Public sector , Services for enterprises , Textiles, clothing and fashion , ICT
Regional service, access
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