Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
European Investment Fund financing
Bankinter, SAFunding | Loans and guarantees
Bankinter collaborates with the EIF (European Investment Fund) in financing companies that undertake innovative activities. Bankinter and the FEI share a 50% risk in operations that are legalised under the agreement. The beneficiaries are small and medium-sized enterprises (with fewer than 500 employees). Loans are for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 7 years. Tangible and intangible fixed assets plus working capital requirements may be financed. Bankinter improves the financial conditions to the beneficiary as a result of the agreement with the FEI. Financing aimed at companies that allocated funds to investing in the development of innovative products, processes and/or services with RDI projects that help to boost the company’s growth. This service is available at any of the institution’s offices in Catalonia.
Addressed to: Small and medium enterprises (less than 500 employees) that allocate funds to investment in the development of innovative products, processes and/or services with RDI projects that help boost to the company’s growth.
08029 Barcelona
Bankinter, SA
Collaborator institutions
FEI (Fons Europeu d'Inversions )
Bankinter, SA
Loans and guarantees
Regional service