Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Fundació Acció Solidària Contra l'Atur
Employment and self-employment organisationsWe are a non-profit organization that since 1981 has been empowering people who are unemployed or in precarious work situations by economically boosting their self-employment projects and/or consolidating a decent job that gives them a real opportunity to start over.
Programa d'AutoocupacióStudy and evaluation of the applications presented to ASCA for the award of loans with a view to solving the employment problems of the unemployed and the self-creation of jobs.
Regional service, access
Riera Sant Miquel, 1 bis, planta -1
08006 Barcelona
08006 Barcelona
Carrer de Castellví, 8
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Services of the institution