Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
The county councils mainly act as a tool for territorial rebalance with a view to guaranteeing the provision of services in municipalities the nature of which prevents them for having their own. They promote the interests of the region and provide county or supramunicipal services. They can also coordinate municipal services and organise new services not covered by the local councils.
Aquesta entitat és una entitat subvencionada pel programa EmprènCat que ofereix acompanyament i assessorament a les persones emprenedores.
Emprendre al GironèsProject that involves the councils of Girona, Celrà, Salt and Vilablareix. The objective is to offer people from the region a comprehensive and quality service for the creation of new companies and support for recently-established companies through knowledge, resources and differentiated experiences of four institutions that work in the territory and, for the first time, have decided to join forces. The Emprendre al Gironès (Enterprise in the Gironès region) project is part of the Emprèn Cat project.
County service, access
17840 Sarrià de Ter
Consell Comarcal del Gironès
Information and basic orientation
County service
Consell Comarcal del Gironès
Customized consulting
County service
Consell Comarcal del Gironès
Training in business management
County service