
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Municipalities and municipal corporations

The IPEP, Institute for the Economic Development of Palafrugell, was founded in 2005 and coordinates the grouping and management of all areas of the municipality’s economic sphere of influence and promotion of local development through collaboration and direct association with the broad range of small and medium-sized companies. It has run the Entrepreneurship Service since 2009, in association with the Catalunya Emprèn Network.

Aquesta entitat és una entitat subvencionada pel programa EmprènCat que ofereix acompanyament i assessorament a les persones emprenedores.


This service was established in 2009 to provide support to entrepreneurs in the creation and consolidation of their business projects. Since 2010 it has attended over 500 individual users in the Catalunya Emprèn Network. Program with the support of Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement and it's cofinanced for the FSE. Services provided: information and advice to entrepreneurs, consolidation actions for businesses younger than 3 years old and different initiatives of training and awareness in entrepreneurship and business management.

Municipal service, access
C/Tarongeta 27-31
17200 Palafrugell
Services of the institution
Training in business matters
Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Training in business management

Municipal service

Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Customized consulting

Municipal service

Financial advice
Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Financial advice

Municipal service

Information and guidance
Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Information and basic orientation

Municipal service

Financial brokerage
Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Financial mediation

Municipal service

Business advice service
Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Customized consulting

Municipal service

Servicios de información, asesoramiento y formación en gestión empresarial
Institut de Promoció Econòmica de Palafrugell - Ajuntament de Palafrugell

Information and basic orientation

Municipal service