
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Occasional assignment of space

Ajuntament d'Abrera
Sites of accommodation | Business centre

Occasional assignment of space for holding appointments with suppliers, potential customers, etc.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Professional services
Ancillary industry and logistics
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Municipal service, access
Rambla Torrentet, 16
08630 Abrera
Other services of the institution
Advice on the Business Plan
Ajuntament d'Abrera

Customized consulting


Municipal service

Legal advice
Ajuntament d'Abrera

Customized consulting


Municipal service

Training for entrepreneurs
Ajuntament d'Abrera

Training in business management


Municipal service

Information and basic orientation


Municipal service

Paperwork and legal matters


Municipal service

Paperwork and legal matters


Municipal service