
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia


Ajuntament de Bell-lloc d'Urgell
Sites of accommodation | Coworking site

La Incubadora disposa d'un espai de Coworking (espai de treball compartit a mitja jornada en torn de matí o tarda) on els emprenedors, freelances, professionals autònoms,... podran desenvolupar la seva professió amb un ambient de cooperació, intercanvi d'experiències i establint sinergies empresarials.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Professional services
Technology-based companies
Social enterprises and cooperatives
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Provincial service, access
Carrer Joan Oró, 3
25220 Bell-lloc d'Urgell
Other services of the institution

Financial advice

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service

Customized consulting

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service

Business mentoring

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service

Assistance in the handover of businesses
Ajuntament de Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Transfer of business

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service

Business training
Ajuntament de Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Training in business management

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service

Information and guidance
Ajuntament de Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Information and basic orientation

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service

Raising public awareness
Ajuntament de Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Entrepreneurial awareness

Bell-lloc d'Urgell

Provincial service