Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Viver d´empreses ALTAMAR
Calonge ActivaSites of accommodation | Business nursery
El viver Altamar ofereix 12 despatxos i 12 espais de coworking amb tots els serveis durant tot l´any : Allotjament empresarial i assessorament empresarial.
Addressed to: Va dirigit a totes les empreses i a tots els nous emprenedors que vulguin instal.larse al territori o que puguin treballar online.
This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
You are in the sector:
Services for enterprises
County service, access
Carrer del futur, s/n Palau Firal
17251 Calonge
17251 Calonge
Calonge Activa
Municipalities and municipal corporations
Go to file Collaborator institutions
Ajuntament de Calonge i Sant Antoni
Other services of the institution