
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Co-working site

Universitat de Vic - UCC - Fundació Universitària Balmes
Sites of accommodation | Coworking site

Temporary assignment of space in the form of offices or shared areas to grow the company.

Addressed to: Young entrepreneurs from the university, admin and service personnel and teaching and research staff from the University and entrepreneurs in general from the region.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Technology-based companies
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Regional service, access
Carrer del Doctor Junyent, 1
08500 Vic

Collaborator institutions

  • CREACCIÓ, Agència d'emprenedoria, innovació i coneixement, SL

Network Member

Other services of the institution
Business advice
Universitat de Vic - UCC - Fundació Universitària Balmes

Customized consulting


Regional service

Business training
Universitat de Vic - UCC - Fundació Universitària Balmes

Training in business management


Regional service

Information for entrepreneurs
Universitat de Vic - UCC - Fundació Universitària Balmes

Information and basic orientation


Regional service

Raising awareness
Universitat de Vic - UCC - Fundació Universitària Balmes

Entrepreneurial awareness


Regional service

Knowledge Valorisation and Transfer Unit
Universitat de Vic - UCC - Fundació Universitària Balmes

Technology consulting and trade


Regional service