Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Advice for entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises
Granollers Mercat, EPEProfessionals who respond | Customized consulting
Technical support for entrepreneurs with a business idea. An appointment is required. Advice consists in technical assistance to entrepreneurs and already established companies. Experts from the service accompany users in the process of drafting their business plan in order to analyse its technical and economic feasibility. Each project is dealt with individually and advice is given onsite. Once the company has been created, support and follow-up are provided for three years. Advice is also offered on the administrative procedures involved in grant and funding applications.
Addressed to: Emprendedores, microempresa y cooperativas.
08401 Granollers
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Financial advice
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Events and work sessions
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Training in business management
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Paperwork and legal matters
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Transfer of business
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Training and digital strategy
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Information and basic orientation
County service
Granollers Mercat, EPE
Paperwork and legal matters
County service