
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Financial advice for entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises

Granollers Mercat, EPE
Funding | Financial advice

Granollers Market informs entrepreneurs and new companies about different financial resources available, both to deal with initial investments in the creation phase and liquidity needs once the activity has begun. Granollers Market analyses the technical and economic feasibility of projects and issues feasibility reports for presentation to banks.

Addressed to: Entrepreneurs, social enterprises and cooperatives.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Shop or store
Professional services
Ancillary industry and logistics
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
County service, access
Camí del Mig, 22 Can Muntanyola
08401 Granollers

Collaborator institutions

  • Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya (CTAC)

  • Fundació Humanitària Martí l'Humà

Network Member

Other services of the institution
Raising awareness
Granollers Mercat, EPE

Entrepreneurial awareness


County service

Customized consulting


County service

Cooperation and networking
Granollers Mercat, EPE

Events and work sessions


County service

Training in business management


County service

Paperwork and legal matters


County service

Reempresa business handover point
Granollers Mercat, EPE

Transfer of business


County service

PUNT TIC Can Muntanyola
Granollers Mercat, EPE

Training and digital strategy


County service

Information service
Granollers Mercat, EPE

Information and basic orientation


County service

Paperwork and legal matters


County service