
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Support for new technology-based companies - BizSpark

Diputació de Barcelona
Funding | Grants and subsidies

Barcelona Provincial Council and Microsoft have signed a collaboration agreement to provide support to new technology-based companies, through the Local Business Services Centres. With this agreement, Barcelona Provincial Council has joined Microsoft’s global platform BizSpark. BizSpark is a worldwide initiative aimed at new technology-based companies that offers free access to Microsoft software for the development of applications and infrastructure technologies.

Addressed to: Empresas y emprendedores de base tecnológica.

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Rambla de Catalunya, 126
08008 Barcelona

Collaborator institutions

  • Microsoft

Network Member

Other services of the institution

Customized consulting

Provincial service

Customized consulting


Provincial service

Accelerate Growth Programme
Diputació de Barcelona

Acceleration and incubation


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Training in business management


Provincial service

Local Produce Network
Diputació de Barcelona

Exchange network and networking


Provincial service