
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Reempresa business handover point

Ajuntament de Centelles
Business and services market | Transfer of business

The Council of Centelles, SPE Osona Sud and the Alt Congost region form the Reempresa de Catalonia centre. Advice on the process of purchasing assets and goodwill of a functioning business in order to take it over with a view to providing another opportunity to entrepreneurs, to avoid further administrative formalities and to make use of the resources of companies that are already operating. Reempresa de Catalonia manages and maintains companies for handover. Guidance and support are given to the transferor company on the process of handing over the business and on drafting the handover plan, and to the entrepreneur on the enterprise plan. Reempresa de Catalunya is an initiative promoted by the CECOT employers’ association and the CP'AC Private Foundation.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Transfer of businesses
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Municipal service, access
Carrer Nou, 11. Baixos
08540 Centelles

Collaborator institutions

  • Generalitat de Catalunya


Network Member

Other services of the institution
Assessorament creació empreses
Ajuntament de Centelles

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Financial advice


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Fairs and exhibitions


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Training in business management


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Entrepreneurial awareness


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Information and basic orientation


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Business working sessions
Ajuntament de Centelles

Events and work sessions


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Punt d'atenció a l'emprenedor
Ajuntament de Centelles

Paperwork and legal matters


Municipal service

Paperwork and legal matters


Municipal service