
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Assessorament i consolidació

Ajuntament de Castelldefels
Professionals who respond | Customized consulting

Amb aquest servei, l'emprenedor serà assessorat i acompanyat durant tot el procés de definició i redacció del Pla d’Empresa del seu negoci. Des de la idea i fins a la constitució de la forma jurídica més adient pel projecte.
Tanmateix, l'assessorament pot estendre's a empreses ja consolidades que tinguin alguns dubtes sobre el seu dia a dia.

Addressed to: Persones en atur o en actiu (Emprenedors), així com autònoms i empreses.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Shop or store
Professional services
Technology-based companies
Social enterprises and cooperatives
Transfer of businesses
Ancillary industry and logistics
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Municipal service, access
Carretera de la Sentiu, 1
08860 Castelldefels

Collaborator institutions

  • Xarxa Catalunya Emprèn (Generalitat de Catalunya)

  • Fons Social Europeu

  • Diputació de Barcelona.

Network Member

Other services of the institution
Conference Cycle
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Training in business management


Municipal service

La Guaita Coworking Area
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Coworking site


Municipal service

Development of the local economy
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Grants and subsidies


Municipal service

Information and guidance
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Information and basic orientation


Municipal service

Advice Point to the Entrepreneur
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Paperwork and legal matters


Municipal service

Reempresa business handover point
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Transfer of business


Municipal service

Training services for future entrepreneurs
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Training in business management


Municipal service

Services to raise awareness
Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Entrepreneurial awareness


Municipal service

Ajuntament de Castelldefels

Events and work sessions


Municipal service