
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Financial advice for self-employed workers

CTAC (Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya)
Funding | Financial advice

Support in the process of consolidating self-employment. These measures involve the participation of self-employed workers at two personalised advice sessions, which last a total of 8 hours:
- 3-hour economic-financial diagnosis.
- 5-hour strategy for obtaining, maintaining or increasing financing.

Addressed to: These actions are aimed at self-employed workers who have been working as such for at least 6 months.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Shop or store
Professional services
Ancillary industry and logistics
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Regional service, access
Rambla Santa Mònica, 10, 2n
08002 Barcelona
Other services of the institution
Financial support
CTAC (Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya)

Financial mediation


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Business advice
CTAC (Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya)

Customized consulting


Regional service

Formación en gestión empresarial para autónomos
CTAC (Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya)

Training in business management


Regional service

Information and guidance
CTAC (Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya)

Information and basic orientation


Regional service

Itinerario personalizado de asesoramiento para autónomos
CTAC (Confederació de Treballadors Autònoms de Catalunya)

Customized consulting


Regional service