
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

SeedRocket Private Investor Network

Funding | Business angels & venture capital

Access to our network of mentors, business angels and private investors who back scalable initial-phase technology-based projects with a high potential for growth and brilliant, exclusively-committed teams pledged to the projects, and an annual investment capacity of over 3 million euros. - Average investment size: €290,000 - Phase: seed and start-up - Forum: six-monthly - Companies financed: CHICFY, KANTOX, TEAMBOX, OFFERUM, MARFEEL

Addressed to: Young entrepreneurs.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Your business is:
Technology-based companies
You are in the sector:
Regional service, access
Carrer Llacuna, 162-164, 1a planta, mòdul 102 (Barcelona Activa)
08018 Barcelona
Other services of the institution

Acceleration and incubation


Regional service

Business training

Training in business management


Regional service