
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Ajuntament de Blanes

Municipalities and municipal corporations

Local institution that provides the inhabitants of the municipality of Blanes with services, including services for entrepreneurs.

Aquesta entitat és una entitat subvencionada pel programa EmprènCat que ofereix acompanyament i assessorament a les persones emprenedores.

Àrea de Promoció de la Ciutat (Promoció econòmica) - Servei de Creació i Consolidació d'Empreses

Department that runs service for the creation and consolidation of companies that provides support for people who wish to set up their own business (paperwork, regulations, business plan, ICT for business, etc.) and backing for people who are already in business and require assistance or advice.

County service, access
Avinguda de l'Estació, 43
17300 Blanes
Services of the institution
Business advice
Ajuntament de Blanes

Customized consulting

County service

Financial advice

County service

Customized consulting

County service

Training and digital strategy

County service

Information and basic orientation

County service

Training in business management

County service

Entrepreneurial awareness

County service

Network Member