
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Ajuntament de Viladecans

Municipalities and municipal corporations

Municipal council of Viladecans, located in the Baix Llobregat region. Services addressed to entrepreneurs are run from the Can Calderon Centre for Economic Development and Services for Companies.

Aquesta entitat és una entitat subvencionada pel programa Emprèn Cat que ofereix acompanyament i assessorament a les persones emprenedores. També és una entitat subvencionada pel programa Primer de preacceleració amb l'objectiu d'impulsar arreu de Catalunya la creació d'startups basades en oportunitats i fortaleses del territori, per aconseguir una Catalunya més competitiva i territorialment equilibrada.

Centre de Promoció Econòmica i Serveis a les Empreses Can Calderon

Can Calderon is the municipal centre for the economic development of the city. It analyses the social and economic trends of the municipality and of its surrounding area with a view to designing and organising programmes and services for encouraging business promotion and consolidation: It meanwhile also organises actions to boost the generation of and improve the quality of employment, the professional skills of workers and support for entrepreneurs with business ideas and projects.

Municipal service, access
Carrer d'Andorra, 64 Edifici Can Calderon
08840 Viladecans
Services of the institution
Advice on the creation of companies
Ajuntament de Viladecans

Customized consulting

Municipal service

Technical assistance in consolidation
Ajuntament de Viladecans

Customized consulting

Municipal service

Training in business management

Municipal service

Reempresa business handover point
Ajuntament de Viladecans

Transfer of business

Municipal service

Entrepreneurial awareness

Municipal service

Information service
Ajuntament de Viladecans

Information and basic orientation

Municipal service

Paperwork and legal matters

Municipal service

Servei de Mentoria Empresarial
Ajuntament de Viladecans

Business mentoring

Municipal service

Customized consulting

Municipal service