
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Training and workshops on entrepreneurs’ experiences

Universitat de Lleida
Knowledge | Training in business management

Training for students to learn how to develop and promote a business idea or a new initiative, what the tools for creating a business model are, techniques of creativity and business strategy, of costs and marketing, and others. The Workshops provide students with practical training through the exchange of experiences by entrepreneurs.

Addressed to: Estudiantes emprendedores. Escuela de verano.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Technology-based companies
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Provincial service, access
Plaça de Víctor Siurana, 1
25003 Lleida
Other services of the institution
Business creation advice
Universitat de Lleida

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Technology consulting and trade


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Prizes and awards


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Entrepreneurial awareness


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Training in business management


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Raising awareness
Universitat de Lleida

Entrepreneurial awareness


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Information service
Universitat de Lleida

Information and basic orientation

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Technology consulting and trade


Provincial service