
Services for entrepreneurs

provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia

Parc UPC - Incubation Services

Parc UPC
Sites of accommodation | Business incubator

Real estate and occupancy services: Suitable facilities and premises for business growth and technology development. Business incubators. Office, laboratory, workshop and warehouse space. Fab-Lab spaces. Coworking spaces.
Business development and innovation services: Enhancing cooperation between different members of the research and innovation system: government, universities, research centers and interface organizations. Supply of an attractive environment to research and knowledge generating institutions and companies oriented to detecting synergies. Networking events. Access to UPC's scientific and technical infrastructure and equipment. Talent acquisition. Access to UPC's knowledge.
Support services: Collaboration with technology providers' start-up support programs.

Addressed to: Small and large innovation intensive technology-based companies. Research institutes and centres. Research laboratories.

This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Ideation , Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Professional services
Technology-based companies
You are in the sector:
Food and beverages , Audio-visual , Automotive, aircraft and railway , Banking and finance , Infrastructures and buildings , Education and training , Electrical and electronic equipment , Pharmaceutical and biotechnology , Logistics , Machinery and metalworking , Environment and energy , Paper, publishing and printing , Chemical , R&D , Food and restaurants, tourism and leisure , Health , Services for enterprises , Textiles, clothing and fashion , ICT
Regional service, access
Carrer Jordi Girona, 31 (Edifici Til·lers, Planta 1)
08031 Barcelona
Carrer Jordi Girona, 1-3 (K2M. Campus Diagonal Nord)
08034 Barcelona

Carrer Jordi Girona, 29 (Nexus II. Campus Diagonal Nord)
08034 Barcelona

Carrer Esteve Terrades, 1 (RDIT. Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia)
08860 Castelldefels

Rambla Sant Nebridi, 22 (GAIA. Campus de Terrassa)
08022 Terrassa

Camí de les Filipines, 110 (Agròpolis)
08840 Viladecans

Collaborator institutions

  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya