Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Loans arrangements for entrepreneurs, self-employed workers, SMEs & traders
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)Funding | Loans and guarantees
Loans or leasings intended for entrepreneurs, self-employed workers, SMEs and traders to finance their projects of investments or working capital. The ICF provides the funds. Banco Sabadell and CaixaBank market the loans (and evaluate the project’s financial feasibility). The ICF coordinates the offer of financing with the financial institutions, the Ministry of Business and Knowledge, and the beneficiaries. To facilitate the provision of financing, for the operations approved 70% of the credit risk for the operation is assumed by the Ministry of Business and Knowledge. The Ministry assesses the provision of this aid as a guarantee. This assistance complements the guarantees provided by the company.
Addressed to: Self-employed workers, micro-enterprises and SMEs in the trading sector.
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Collaborator institutions
Banco de Sabadell, SA
CaixaBank, SA (La Caixa)
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Business angels & venture capital
Regional service
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service