Services for entrepreneurs
provided by public and private institutions from Catalonia
Loans for Social and Cooperative Economy
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)Funding | Loans and guarantees
Loans for social and cooperative economy companies to finance investments, capital requirements, advances for contracts with the public sector and capital for private companies. The ICF studies project feasibility from a financial perspective and formalises and manages the loan. The Ministry of Business and Knowledge studies the project’s technical feasibility. Some of the risk for the operations approved through this line is assumed by the Ministry of Business and Knowledge.
Addressed to: Social economy enterprsies and cooperatives.
This service may be of use to you if ...
you are in the phase of:
Creation , Growth and consolidation
Your business is:
Social enterprises and cooperatives
You are in the sector:
All sectors.
Regional service, access
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Other services of the institution
ICF Venture Capital
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Business angels & venture capital
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Participatory loans Co-investment with business angels
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
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Corporate entrepreneurship loans
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service
Loans arrangements for entrepreneurs, self-employed workers, SMEs & traders
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service
Loans for primary sector SMEs
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
ICF (Institut Català de Finances)
Loans and guarantees
Regional service